How to jailbreak xbox 360 usb
How to jailbreak xbox 360 usb

how to jailbreak xbox 360 usb how to jailbreak xbox 360 usb

The 360 is specifically designed against softmodding from the cpu die up. This is how rgh works, rgh is the exploit that does exactly what we want, it allows youto bypass your lock down values, rgh still runs a modified 8955 dashboard that boots using the 4532 kernel iirc to use the syscall exploit. Due to how the hardware is designed on the 360 and the security structure, NO not possible, the only SOFTMOD was the King Kong or really the 4532 syscall exploit which required you'd to still have a flashed dvd drive, that was patched in 4552, they patched king Kong, but not the syscall exploit, jtag was the the replacement (which is kinda both a soft and hard mod again due to how the hardware works) since the syscall exploit essentially is in the second stage bootloader (2bl) this was not updated from 4532 to 7371, your dashboard version (CF lockdown) are signed using the cpu key which is why you could downgrade between these dashes, once dash 2.8955.xx came out they updated the 2bl which also has its own lock down counter, but this value is not signed using your cpu key, it uses Microsofts private key, and if we knew this key then jtag and rgh would be going around your ass to get to your elbow, so once they update the bootloader you cannot downgrade it, as this is the lowest version you would be able to downgrade to.

How to jailbreak xbox 360 usb